Top 5 Authors I Want to Meet

Top 5 Tuesday is upon us once more. Check out Bionic Bookworm to participate in future weeks – this week, we are listing the top 5 authors we want to meet.

Disclaimer: I probably couldn’t bear to meet any of these people in real life, because I get so star struck and I would just clam up.

1 – Jane Austen. Like obviously? Maybe we could just watch/read all the different adaptations of Pride and Prejudice. I’d love her take on the zombie one.

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2 – Shirley Jackson. Such an iconic horror writer and I feel like we could probably actually chat.

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3 – Stephen King, I suppose, of course, though I definitely wouldn’t be able to do much more than meep in his presence.

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4 – Angie Thomas. She’s hilarious on Twitter and it seems like we could have fun.

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5 – Octavia Butler. Another cornerstone of sci-fi/horror who deserves more recognition.

Image result for octavia butler gif

3 thoughts on “Top 5 Authors I Want to Meet

  1. LOL I wouldn’t be able to do much more than MEEP in the presence of Stephen King either! The man is intense and intimidating!! But it would be so wonderful to meet him! Great list!
    Thanks so much for participating – added you to the list 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. i would so much love to meet JANE???????? to see her reaction to p&p adaptations would absolutely be the best possible experience in this life??? and she would be the best at gossiping and we would be those people together xD

    Liked by 2 people

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