June Wrap-Up and July TBR

  Yikes, June was a rough month. Sorry it’s been 22 days since I last posted.   Like, I found out that I can watch all the past seasons of 90 Day Fiance on demand? And I’ve been bingeing it all month? And why isn’t the tell-all episode of season 4 available for free?   Anyway, as you can probably guess, I didn’t read a … Continue reading June Wrap-Up and July TBR

LGBT Reads for Pride Month 2018

Happy Pride month to all my friends and fellow readers on the LGBT spectrum. It’s been a rough time for the community lately with the current administration so focused on rolling back rights and recognition for this group, which makes it extremely important for all freedom-loving Americans to read literature by and about LGBT folx and remind ourselves to make space for them in all … Continue reading LGBT Reads for Pride Month 2018

Review: The Fireman (Joe Hill)

Publication date: January 2017 (US)
Amazon price: 
$14.99 USD (Kindle)

Rating: 5/5 stars

Synopsis (from Goodreads): A terrifying new plague is spreading like wildfire across the country, striking cities one by one: Boston, Detroit, Seattle. The doctors call it Draco Incendia Trychophyton. To everyone else it’s Dragonscale, a highly contagious, deadly spore that marks its hosts with beautiful black and gold marks across their bodies—before causing them to burst into flames. There is no antidote. No one is safe.

Harper Grayson, a compassionate, dedicated nurse as pragmatic as Mary Poppins, treated hundreds of infected patients before her hospital burned to the ground. Now she’s discovered the telltale gold-flecked marks on her skin. When the outbreak first began, she and her husband, Jakob, had made a pact: they would take matters into their own hands if they became infected. To Jakob’s dismay, Harper wants to live—at least until the fetus she is carrying comes to term. At the hospital, she witnessed infected mothers give birth to healthy babies and believes hers will be fine too. . . if she can live long enough to deliver the child.

Convinced that his do-gooding wife has made him sick, Jakob becomes unhinged, and eventually abandons. The chaos gives rise to ruthless Cremation Squads—armed, self-appointed posses roaming the streets and woods to exterminate those who they believe carry the spore. But Harper isn’t as alone as she fears: a mysterious and compelling stranger she briefly met at the hospital, a man in a dirty yellow fire fighter’s jacket, carrying a hooked iron bar, straddles the abyss between insanity and death. Known as The Fireman, he strolls the ruins of New Hampshire, a madman afflicted with Dragonscale who has learned to control the fire within himself, using it as a shield to protect the hunted . . . and as a weapon to avenge the wronged.

Continue reading “Review: The Fireman (Joe Hill)”

Review: Find You in the Dark (Nathan Ripley)

Publication date: June 2018 (US)
Amazon price: 
$13.99 USD (Kindle)

Rating: 4.5/5 stars

Synopsis (from Goodreads): Martin Reese has a hobby: he digs up murder victims. He buys stolen police files on serial killers, and uses them to find and dig up missing bodies. Calls in the results anonymously, taunting the police for their failure to do their job.

Detective Sandra Whittal takes that a little personally. She’s suspicious of the mysterious caller, who she names the Finder. Maybe he’s the one leaving the bodies behind. If not, who’s to say he won’t start soon?

As Whittal begins to zero in on the Finder, Martin makes a shocking discovery. It seems someone—someone lethal—is very unhappy about the bodies he’s been digging up.

Hunted by a cop, hunted by a killer. To escape and keep his family safe, Martin may have to go deeper into the world of murder than he ever imagined.

Continue reading “Review: Find You in the Dark (Nathan Ripley)”